contact Naomi via naomit.tlevine[at]gmail[dot]com
Purdue University, August 2019-August 2023 (earned: PhD in Organizational Communication Studies) Dissertation: “If these stalls could talk: Organizational invitations to identification evoking a user’s sense of belonging as communicated through infrastructure”
Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, August 2017-October 2019 (earned: MA in Applied Anthropology) Thesis: “Grassroots Maternal and Child Health Project: The Origin Stories of Bridge Leaders”
Washington State University, August 2014- May 2016 (President’s Honor Roll & Phi Beta Kappa; earned BA in Women’s Studies with minors in Comparative Ethnic Studies & Archaeology) Focus: Domestic violence, substance abuse, and storytelling
Green River Community College, September 2012-June 2014 (earned: AA transfer degree) Focus: Comprehensive sex education
Community Liaison at Kitsap Public Health District in Bremerton, WA; May 2024-Current
Advisory Board Member at Salish Behavioral Health Administrative Services Organization in WA; January 2025-Current
Scientific Research Manager with LASER PULSE at PARI-GDI with Dr. Ginger Bolen in West Lafayette, IN (Remote Work); August 2023-May 2024
Research Reviewer with LASER PULSE at Purdue Univeristy with Dr. Yuehwern Yih & Pallavi Gupta in West Lafayette, IN; October 2022-August 2023
Data Analyst with “A systems, networks, and human-centered design approach to assessing the resilience of Ethiopian communities experiencing recurring violent conflict shocks” via LASER PULSE at Purdue University with Dr. Stacey Connaughton in West Lafayette, IN; November 2021- Current
Researcher with “Evaluation of Community-Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) Programs for BHA/East Asia and the Pacific (EAP) Region” via LASER PULSE at Purdue University with Dr. Stacey Connaughton in West Lafayette, IN; July 2022- Current
Focus Group Co-moderator with “Experiences with sexual content in online dating” at Purdue University with Amanda E. Lilly in West Lafayette, IN; August 2022-November 2022
Data Analyst with “Tracking the Process of Treatment Seeking in Breast Cancer Patients” at Purdue University with Yuehwern Yih and Min Lee in West Lafayette, IN; June 2022- October 2022
Feminist Consultant & Co-author with “Nice” to “ewww”: An inductive thematic analysis of responses to initiation messages containing sexual content on online dating tools at Purdue University with Amanda Lilly in West Lafayette, IN; October 2020- March 2021
Second Coder and Co-author with ‘who wants a dick pic? 👉🏽👈🏽’ at Purdue University with Amanda Lilly in West Lafayette, IN; October 2020- March 2021
Oral Historian & Researcher with Central State Hospital Oral History Project at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis under Dr. Emily Beckman in Indianapolis, IN; September 2018- August 2019
Storytelling Educator & Researcher with Grassroots Maternal and Child Health Leadership Project at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis under Dr. Jack Turman in Indianapolis, IN; September 2018-May 2019
Graduate Researcher with Division of Mental Health and Addiction Alcohol and Other Drug Prevention Grant at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis under Eric Teske in Indianapolis, IN; October 2017-December 2018
Project Assistant with Making Mathematical Reasoning Explicit (a grant funded by NSF) at Washington State University under Libby Knott and Anne Adams in Pullman, WA; June 2015-July 2016
Peer Advocate with Green River Peer Mentoring and Service Learning Program (formerly Connect 2 Complete C2C) under Dyane Haynes in Auburn, WA; April 2013- June 2014
Find my academic publications using my ORCiD: 0000-0002-9925-6676
Blog Post, LASER PULSE, “So Much to Say: Tips for Shortening Your Policy Brief” (March 2024)
Blog Post, LASER PULSE, “Contextualizing Deliverables: Policy Briefs” (January 2024)
Blog Post, LASER PULSE, “Tips for Writing Your Upcoming Report” (September 2023)
Madurapperuma, S., Connaughton, S. L., Murphy, K., Salonga, E., Gerdes, K., Fermando, N., Kaffe, N., Parviainen, J., Levine, N., Funkhouser, R., Mbah, P., Kelley, K., Jimenez, A., Chen, W. 2023. Performance evaluation of community-based disaster risk management programs for USAID’s BHA/East Asia and the Pacific Region : summary report. West Lafayette, IN: Long-term Assistance and Services for Research - Partners for University-Led Solutions Engine (LASER PULSE Consortium).
Madurapperuma, S., Connaughton, S. L., Murphy, K., Salonga, E., Gerdes, K., Fermando, N., Kaffe, N., Parviainen, J., Levine, N., Funkhouser, R., Mbah, P., Kelley, K., Jimenez, A., Chen, W. 2023. Strengthening Community-based Disaster Preparedness in East Asia and the Pacific Region–Policy Brief. West Lafayette, IN: Long-term Assistance and Services for Research - Partners for University-Led Solutions Engine (LASER PULSE Consortium).
Connaughton, S. L., Lee, S., Burniske, G., Rohrbach, L, Ayele, Z., Abdi, A., Kelley, K., Funkhouser, R., Lasso Jimenez, A., Levine, N., Mbah, P., Mitsch, K., Saba, K. 2023. Resilience of Ethiopian Communities: Measure, Understand and Act – Policy Brief. West Lafayette, IN: Long-term Assistance and Services for Research - Partners for University-Led Solutions Engine (LASER PULSE Consortium).
Rohrbach, L, Connaughton, S. L., Lee, S., Burniske, G., Ayele, Z., Abdi, A., Levine, N., Kelley, K. 2023. Networks for resilience: How to use research findings for practice. West Lafayette, IN: Long-term Assistance and Services for Research - Partners for University-Led Solutions Engine (LASER PULSE Consortium).
Blog Post, LASER PULSE, “Secondary Data Management & Organization” (July 2022)
Irby A, Macey E, Levine N, Durham JR, Turman JE. Grounding the Work of Grassroots MCH Leaders in Storytelling. Health Promotion Practice. 2023;0(0). doi:10.1177/15248399221151175
LASER Focused co-facilitation, “Policy Brief Overview” presented February 2024
CSCA, St. Louis, MO, co-authored paper accepted to the Graduate Student Caucus, awarded Top Paper and Paul D. Skalski Award for Top Paper (March 2023)
CGSA Graduate Student Conference, Lafayette, IN, G.I.F.T.S: Using Theory and Process to Create Something New (March 2023)
NCA, New Orleans, LA (virtual), co-producer of “Remote Access and Accessibility: An Accessible Video” for The Accessible Panel Project: Exploring and Practicing Possibilities(November 2022)
NCA, New Orleans, LA, co-author of “Using the Big Five Inventory to Examine Identity Concepts” for Great Ideas for Teaching Students (G.I.F.T.S) Session III(November 2022)
NCA, New Orleans, LA, co-author of “Verbal and Nonverbal Interplay” for Great Ideas for Teaching Students (G.I.F.T.S) Session III(November 2022)
Aspen Engaged, Snowmass village, CO, first author on co-authored paper (July-August 2022)
CGSA Graduate Student Conference, Lafayette, IN, Methods: Storytelling Groups (March 2022)
NCA, Seattle, WA, co-authored paper accepted to Feminist and Women’s Studies Division (November 2021)
OCMC, University of Kentucky (virtual), Presented “A Community Based Empathetic Scholarship Model” for a Lightning Talk (October 2021)
Graduates Achieving Inclusion Now (GAIN), Virtual, Moderated Parallel sessions on Homophobia & Transphobia and Ableism & Mental Health (September-October 2021)
CGSA Graduate Student Conference, Lafayette, IN, Methods: Pile Sorting (March 2021)
Instructor for “Principles of Interviewing” (COM325) at Purdue University under Traci Latoz in West Lafayette, IN; June 2022-August 2022
Instructor for “Introduction to Communication Theory” (COM102) at Purdue University under Dr. Glenn Sparks in West Lafayette, IN; January 2020-May 2020, August 2020-December 2020 & August 2021-December 2021
Instructor for “Introduction to Organizational Communication” (COM324) at Purdue University under Dr. Robin Clair in West Lafayette, IN; August 2020-December 2020 & August 2021-December 2021
Instructor for “Introduction to Communication Theory” (COM102) at Purdue University under Dr. Howard Sypher in West Lafayette, IN; May 2021-June 2021
Teaching Assistant for “Critical Perspectives in Communication” (COM204) at Purdue University under Dr. Josh Boyd in West Lafayette, IN; January 2021-May 2021
Instructor for “Presentational Speaking” at Purdue University (COM114) at Purdue University under Dr. Jennifer Hall in West Lafayette, IN; August 2019-August 2020
Teaching Assistant for “Low-Wage Labor in a Global Economy” (Inside-Out Program) at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis & Dove Recovery House for Women under Dr. Susan Hyatt in Indianapolis, IN; January 2019-May 2019
Recreational Art Instructor for Purdue Graduate Student Government in West Lafayette, IN; February 2019-November 2021
Book Indexer for Conflict and Peace: Transforming Conflict and Building Peace under Dr. Stacey Connaughton in West Lafayette, IN; November 2020- July 2020
Program Specialist II with Tacoma Community College Workforce Education under Kelli Johnston and Pwint Koko in Tacoma, WA; January 2017-July 2017
International Friend with International Cup of Tea under Steven (Monk) Wells in Boise, ID; Spring Semester 2012 (service-learning volunteer)
Community Champion for my dedication to the community in my work with Kitsap Public Health District from Resilient Ecosystems, 2025
Excellent Community Partner for presentation during Facing Fentanyl Together from local Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, 2024
Won Best Blog Content at the Gold Carpet Gala for “Secondary Data Management & Organization” from Purdue University, 2023
Nominated for William M. Plater Civic Engagement Medallion from IUPUI, 2018
Student Leadership Award from Green River Community College, 2013
Founder and Facilitator of Writer’s Workshop Group (West Lafayette September 2020-current)
Co-Facilitator of Anti-Racist Reading Group in the Purdue University Math Department (West Lafayette June 2020-current)
Diverstiy and Inclusion Secretary for the Communication Graduate Student Association in the Purdue University Brian Lamb School of Communication (West Lafayette August 2021-June 2022)
Voter Registration Volunteer (West Lafayette 2019)
Women4Change Indiana (IUPUI chapter); Community Partner and Volunteer (Indianapolis 2018)
Disability Visibility Reading Group (WSU via Zoom October 2020)
Vice President of Association of Diverse Ability Awareness (Pullman 2016)
“Take Back the Night” march to raise domestic violence awareness (Pullman 2014 & 2015)
College Drama Class (2014)
Boise State Model United Nations (2012)